Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm 2 x 13

...and falling apart. But as I slowly lose feeling in my big toes, and my cavity-ridden teeth crumble, while my right jaw joint forbids me to open my mouth wide enough to enjoy solid, delicious, uric acid-filled foods without sending a laser-sharp pain into my ear, and my eyes begin to fade from my own stubborn, old man refusal to see an least I can still smile.

 I don't usually tell people it's my birthday. I don't really like to celebrate it. I mean, yes, I like to eat more than normal on the day, but that's it.
I'm much more interested in the responses from people when they find out it has passed.

When people realize that they've missed it, 
the tokens of acknowledgment come more from the heart, or a place of creativity, or spontaneity.


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