Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So. I enjoy a good list. I collect them. My Gmail draft box is basically all lists of random stuff, but not really random, because they're in list form, so it's pretty much organized...into lists. Anyway...
Here's one of my lists in doodle form:
Here's a list to clarify a few items above:
  • Racist crayons - Racist, multicultural, whatever. I love how they include the black and white crayons in this set. I guess this box seems more realistic.
  • The Sandman - Not sure they sell this as a whole series, but volumes 1-10 plus Endless Nights is basically what got me through tutoring at MPL.
  • I have a billion red Threadless shirts, but none with a toro on it!
  • Jerk, California. Let's make that happen. (Jerk, California is actually a young adult book about a kid with Tourette's. Fun fact).
  • Sorry for the slightly Lilith Fair-ish moment here, but c'mon....
 This is all. See you next banana!

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