Friday, May 28, 2010


Everywhere I turn, Cats!

Found behind the Slaw Dog.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Want to Go to There.

Child's Play

 CLICK ON THE PICTURE formoreinformationontheexhibitof children's book illustration of 19th century Britain. 

This is yet another reason to drive me to the Huntington and bask in the glorious membership that my sister has lovingly bestowed upon me. Did I mention I will get you in for free? Only if you accept my play date offer. I am willing to go more than once.

bee tee dub, I drive on the streets now....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

that's not a petty pet pet rooster..

this was one of the 6 or 7 dividers I had in hs, each had some kind of drawing or another...

i was kind of into this was...kind of a big deal

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'm 2 x 13

...and falling apart. But as I slowly lose feeling in my big toes, and my cavity-ridden teeth crumble, while my right jaw joint forbids me to open my mouth wide enough to enjoy solid, delicious, uric acid-filled foods without sending a laser-sharp pain into my ear, and my eyes begin to fade from my own stubborn, old man refusal to see an least I can still smile.

 I don't usually tell people it's my birthday. I don't really like to celebrate it. I mean, yes, I like to eat more than normal on the day, but that's it.
I'm much more interested in the responses from people when they find out it has passed.

When people realize that they've missed it, 
the tokens of acknowledgment come more from the heart, or a place of creativity, or spontaneity.


Monday, May 10, 2010



Hi airy body!
- Stiney
(rhymes with weenie)

My mouse pad is cardboard

I've seen Lego Batman, but what about Lego Superman

Missing hair, an arm, and legs. I rarely finish a doodle on my mouse pad.
Lego Superman would be nice - what I need - Lego Beatles.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So. I enjoy a good list. I collect them. My Gmail draft box is basically all lists of random stuff, but not really random, because they're in list form, so it's pretty much organized...into lists. Anyway...
Here's one of my lists in doodle form:
Here's a list to clarify a few items above:
  • Racist crayons - Racist, multicultural, whatever. I love how they include the black and white crayons in this set. I guess this box seems more realistic.
  • The Sandman - Not sure they sell this as a whole series, but volumes 1-10 plus Endless Nights is basically what got me through tutoring at MPL.
  • I have a billion red Threadless shirts, but none with a toro on it!
  • Jerk, California. Let's make that happen. (Jerk, California is actually a young adult book about a kid with Tourette's. Fun fact).
  • Sorry for the slightly Lilith Fair-ish moment here, but c'mon....
 This is all. See you next banana!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


The original theme was vegetables. Then there was argument over the veg status of eggplants. They're considered nightshades which are berries which are fruits. So I guess the theme turned into Vegetables and Fruits.

My favorite is the tiny bunch of weird grapes.

Knowing your Big Boy

The size of the Bob Big Boy statue has meaning.

Small Big Boy = at counter ordering

Large Big Boy = table service

I lose either way, Big Boy's still serves Pepsi.