Wednesday, February 2, 2011


In kindergarten, we were instructed to bring something in for the 100th day of school. I knew exactly what I wanted to bring, of course - one hundred pieces of paper. I counted them out myself, paper from those old computers with the perforated edges you had to tear off from each other. I was so proud of my paper. I didn't care if the other kids brought in projects that were clearly done by their parents. My paper was special. I even rubber banded them.

Sadly, my teacher didn't think so. She looked disapprovingly at my stack of paper. I excitedly sat there waiting for my paper to be called to attention. "Bianca brought 100 pieces of paper...," she said, and moved them quickly off to the side. Disappointment on her face and confusion on mine. Was there something wrong with my paper?

It wasn't until a few years ago that I learned that my teacher called my parents about my paper. She probably said there was no effort made, no creativity shown.

I guess some people just don't see the potential hidden within a stack of blank paper.

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